Superlofts wins five seriously cool architecture awards

Superlofts Blok Y wins the residential category of the prestigious BNA (Royal Institute of Dutch Architects) Building of the Year Award 2018! We are incredibly proud of this achievement and send a huge thanks to everyone who contributed to this innovative project. Superlofts is awarded the prestigious Best Housing Project 2017 at the World Architecture Festival in Berlin! Superlofts was selected by the expert jury as the best housing project from 16 international nominations. The jury’s comments: “A housing project as a concept about the process of engaging residents in the making of homes – from the marketing, though to investment in design and ownership through occupation.” Superlofts was also awarded the Director’s Special Award. We are incredibly proud of this achievement and send a huge thanks to everyone who contributed to this innovative project.

Superlofts is part of MKA and